neděle 8. července 2018

The Short Vacation in S5 - Karavanke  - SOTA  Stol

- just the very short vacation in Slovenia
- the nice  accommodation in Valvasorjev Dom pod Stolom - I can fully recommend it:

Výsledek obrázku pro valvasorjev dom

- we  reached Stol and I activated  SOTA S5-KA001 on 7 MHz; Thank you for QSO! The weather didn't allow us to enjoy  the view (is certainly breathtaking ...)

- we visited the Vintgar gorge and Bled ; It was nice, but overcrowded..

- we  did another walk around but without SOTA activation

- we spent a few days  in a beautiful and peaceful countryside
Stol - SOTA  S5-KA001
One comical thing - Czech and Slovenian languages  have the same basis. Some words are same or similar, but we discovered one comical difference:  "Otrok"  is  in Slovenian language  "a child" and  in Czech  " a slave". 

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