neděle 31. prosince 2017

 Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge

- just a partial participation several tens of minutes
- during morning QSOs with W1KM, K5ZD, K1WHS,NO3M, NA8V, K1KI, KM7W, AB3CX ...
- nice for 100 W to a doublet antenna  2x 40 m, (RX antenna out of order   😢 )

sobota 30. prosince 2017

SOTA  Hradisko   OK-ZL-013

Konečně alespoň na chvilku zimní nálada ... 

úterý 26. prosince 2017

Business trip to Taiwan

In December I spent a week in Taiwan. Unfortunately I was too busy - I did not have time to contact a local radioamateur.

úterý 7. listopadu 2017

A1 Marconi Memorial

- sunny weather with the sharp cold wind
- due to the family affair  just 6-hour activity on saturday

Bohužel jsem nemohl Marconi Contest absolvovat kompletní, odjel jsem v sobotu odpoledne pouze šestihodinovou etapu.

Půl hodiny před začátkem závodu bouřil na SSB IZ0FWE/6, což svědčilo o tom, že podmínky nejsou úplně špatné. Cvičně jsem udělal bezproblémové spojení s OK1KVK. (V závodě už spojení s OL7C nebylo tak snadné - na pásmu byl pořádný "bugr").

Ready for the contest

Podmínky opravdu nebyly špatné - dělal jsem IK4ZHH, IQ5NN, DF0MU (ODX - 822 km). Zaslechl jsem E77ZM, HB9FAP.

Celkem 74 QSO za 18804 bodů.

Jako obvykle bez internetových berliček - just a boy and his radio ...

Obvyklý byl i  setup  -  FT857/20W do 7 el.DL6WU. Bohužel se letos nepodařilo splnit nic z předsevzetí (zdvojení antén, zprovoznění transvertoru, PA 100W, atd.). Takže doufám, že alespoň něco se podaří realizovat do příští VKV sezony. 

Balení za tmy a ostrého studeného větru nebylo vůbec příjemné, ale Marconi Memorial jsem si přece nemohl nechat ujít... 

Díky všem za spojení a těším se zase naslyšenou ...

neděle 24. září 2017

Holiday in E7 / 9A

In the spring we were thinking about the destination of our family holiday. First part of holiday should be mountains and my requirement  was: not overcrowded  (SOTA) mountains...  Bosnia and Hercegovina looked as attractive option, but  with two problems - I could not find in internet  tourist maps of mountains in E7 and  I was afraid of mines in Bosnian territory. I decided to write  an e-mai to some radioamateur in E7. I searched my logbook for  E7 stations and I found several times the callsign  E77CV. I wrote to Arman and asked him  for  help and advice. He sent me a lot of  tips and promised help, but finally - Arman and his family were our generous host and attentive guide.

We attended Travnik - the Old Fort and

Then  we  spent two days  in  area Vranica (Rovinj Planinarski Dom). First day we took a hike on Vranica-Locika  (SOTA E7-BO-002). The activation was comlicated due to bad condition on 7 MHz and the antenna was too low (my younger son has to help ...)

Second day we climbed on Nadkrstac -  no SOTA, but very nice summit  - and

then we attended the lake Prokosko - very interesting place.
The stay in Bosnia was very very interesting. Mountains that we visited were very nice and - compared  with hills here in Beskydy - very large, spacious.  And my dream came true - mountains are not overcrowded ...
And main thing  -  I must say great  "thank you" to  Arman, E77CV and his family for the incredible  hospitality and friendship.  I do not know if I can express my gratitude enough.  No travel agency would show us Bosnia  as Arman.
Then we left for Croatia - to do a lazy part of our holiday. We stayed on Pasman (IOTA EU-170 / JN73QV) with great view towards Kornati Islands.
For the holiday style operation i used FT-450 (50W out) supplied by the car battery 60 Ah (powered by the 20W solar panel). The antenna was the doublet 2 x 12.5 m with center on the 10 m mast.  

One morning we arranged a small trip on summit of the island  Pasman - Veliki Bokolj  - SOTA  9A-DH 154. I activated it on 7 MHz

On Pasman I realized about 100 QSO - all with the old hand key. Elbug was out of order with no posibility to repair it on that place...

Holiday 2017 is over ...